Stand in the Gap

Meet Your Host

Sam Rohrer

Host of Stand in the Gap

The Honorable Sam Rohrer is a former Pennsylvania House of Representatives In 1992, For eighteen years, he served as a State Representative in Harrisburg. Sam was a candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania in 2010. He is also the President of The American Pastors Network.

Personal Testimony

After a week of revival meetings at his church, seven-year-old Sam Rohrer recognized his need for a Savior. With his dad’s guidance, he put his faith in Christ that night. Motivated by his mother to choose Biblical heroes, Sam was drawn to Joseph and Daniel. Perhaps his admiration for those two men caused him to wonder if he might preach or enter the political field someday. After majoring in Business and graduating from Bob Jones University in 1977, he worked in the business world for 15 years.

Political Career

In 1992, God redirected Sam’s steps into state government. He served as a State Representative in Harrisburg for the next eighteen years. Being an elected official also allowed him to share his testimony and preach in many churches across the state.

Representative Sam Rohrer distinguished himself in economic policies while serving as a Member on the Appropriations Committee and as Chairman of the House Finance Committee. He sought to apply Biblical principles in all areas of legislation, including finance, as he wrote alternative state budgets and encouraged both parties to lower costs and avoid tax increases. He also served on the House Education Committee for 16 years, fighting for parental rights and against Federal entanglement in educational policies. Representative Rohrer authored the Education Improvement Tax Credit scholarship (EITC), which has already aided over 500,000 Pennsylvania students in attending private or Christian schools. The EITC Law has been noted as the model school choice law in the nation. During his tenure, Representative Rohrer was frequently called the “Conscience of the House,” a title given by secular media, because of his consistent stance for moral truth in public policy.

In 2009, Sam followed God’s promptings to campaign as a candidate for governor of Pennsylvania and, in 2011, as a candidate for the United States Senate. Although he gave up his position in the House of Representatives to conduct those campaigns, God used the statewide travels to deepen his
relationship with many pastors across the state.

Current Ministry

As a minister of God in government, Sam developed empathy for the similar challenges faced by pastors in the pulpit. In June of 2012, Sam began to lead the Pennsylvania Pastors Network. Uniting his experience in public policy and his love for pastors, he encourages pastors to boldly preach Biblical Truth, especially on issues affecting our current society. Since September of 2013, the American Pastors Network has enabled the creation of new state chapters and become an impactful nationwide voice for Truth into the public square. Sam currently serves as President of both Pennsylvania and American Pastors Networks.

Personal Life

Sam and Ruth Ann have been married for 44 years and are parents of six children and grandparents of 14. They homeschooled their children for 23 years and are active members of their local church.

Pastor Isaac Crockett

Cohost of Stand in the Gap

Pastor Isaac grew up in Anderson, IN, where his dad was the pastor of Grace Baptist Church from 1984 until the Lord called him home to heaven in 2013. Isaac is thankful for the opportunity to have grown up in church ministry and has been involved in ministry almost his entire life. He started preaching when he was 13 years old, and God has allowed him opportunities to preach in hundreds of ministries across the country and various foreign fields, too.


Isaac has a Master’s degree in Pastoral Studies from Bob Jones Seminary and has done post graduate studies in the field of Family Therapy at Evangelical Seminary and Social Work at Drexel University College of Medicine. Isaac studied Spanish in a total immersion course in Antigua, Guatemala, and has used his Spanish to serve the Lord in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Argentina, and a Spanish-speaking church plant in Spartanburg, SC. Isaac pastored for 12 years in Pennsylvania, 2 years as an assistant pastor and 10 years as the senior pastor of Hamburg Bible Church, in Hamburg, PA (a small town near Reading and Allentown). Learn more about Pastor Isaac at his website,


While ministering as a pastor and church planter, Isaac has also worked on the side at times as a social worker and substitute teacher. He has taught everything from Kindergarten to High School classes in 7 different public schools and 3 school districts. His favorite opportunities were teaching Special Education classes and working for the County teaching students who had behavioral and emotional issues that kept them from their regular schools.


Isaac and his wife Jill met their first week of college in the fall of 2000 and were married after graduating in 2004. Isaac and Jill homeschool their 3 children. The Crocketts enjoy hiking portions of the Appalachian Trail near their home, fishing, and playing with their 3 dogs Yankee, Doodle, and Dandy. Isaac also is a social media coordinator for his brother’s company Crockett Doodles, and pictures and videos of Isaac’s children and dogs can often be seen on the company’s website and various social media platforms.


Isaac is thankful for the opportunity to have grown up in church ministry and be involved in ministry almost his entire life. He has been blessed by the resources and fellowship of the American Pastors Network and encourages pastors and church leaders to get involved with APN.

Show Overview

Stand in the Gap is hosted by the Honorable Sam Rohrer and Pastor Isaac Crockett. Bringing clarity to cultural confusion and making sense of the nonsense around us, Stand in the Gap will focus on root problems and apply Biblical principles so God’s people can know the truth.

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