15 Dec Samuel Chen, Author & Speaker
Samuel Chen is the author of Thirteen Minutes: Winning, Losing, and Living as Taught by the 2016 Election (Opus Publishing).
The book presents a series of life lessons as taught throughout his career in politics and, specifically, in the 2016 presidential campaign. His second book, E Pluribus Unum: The Scope of Church and State in American Liberal Democracy (Kendall Hunt), is slated for release in the Fall of 2021.
Additionally, he has authored numerous essays and articles that bridge pertinent scholarship with current events and political happenings toward fostering understanding illuminating the impact of such events on culture and society.
A frequent speaker on college campuses and at various conferences, Chen’s talks typically address questions of ethics, politics, media, and higher education. His two most popular talks are “Folding the House of Cards,” which takes the audience behind the scenes and into the world of politics and media, and “Who is Ed and Why is Ed High?” which focuses on politics and higher education.